Welcome to articles
This part of the application is designed for understanding how to implement a blog application with next-mdx-remote-client.
Visit github for source code.
without compiling the souce while listing articles,table of content (TOC)
,syntax error
.For simpicity and demonstration purpose, I created the content of the articles via chatGPT
May 23, 2024, written by chatGPT
I prompted to chatGPT saying that write an article about "next.js" including markdown headings, inline codes, code fences, containers, bold, italic texts, blockquotes, lists etc.
May 23, 2024, written by chatGPT
I prompted to chatGPT saying that write a markdown/MDX article about "next-mdx-remote-client" published on npm.
May 23, 2024, written by handmade
I put a MDX syntax error intentionally in the article.